Privattraining von Ruben Vargas mit 360Football

Is personal football training (private training) actually worth it?

In this blog post, we explore the question of whether personal football training is worthwhile at all and what benefits it offers a player. The following topics are discussed:

  • What is personal training?
  • Team training, personal training or training yourself – which is better?
  • Benefits of personal training (also called private training or individual training)
  • choice of private trainer
  • Is personal training also suitable for children?
  • testimonials
Football training or personal training symbol image

What is personal training?

Private football training is often also called individual training, personal training, one-on-one training or additional training. The terms are used in different ways, but they always mean the same thing. It is about a footballer being specifically looked after by a personal trainer, also known as a private trainer, with individually tailored training content and exercises.

Team training, personal training or training yourself – which is better?

team training

Team training is mainly about the team functioning as a whole. It is about processes, trust and building strengths within the team. In exercises, scenarios are often simulated that also occur in games and you learn how to deal with pressure on the pitch. Logically, there is little or no time for individual strengths or making up for deficits.

Football Personal Training

This is exactly where personal training comes in. The one-on-one support of the player and personal trainer means that the training content can be tailored to the individual strengths and weaknesses of the footballer. You train exactly what you need at the time. The training is specifically tailored to the player's position (a defender trains differently than a winger) and the intensity can be adjusted. If the player is particularly fit, the training is particularly hard; in the regeneration phase, the finer details are worked on. It is also important that mistakes can be recognized and corrected immediately by the trainer - this increases the efficiency of the training enormously.

Train yourself

Of course, you can continue training on your own alongside team training - that's how Cristiano Ronaldo became a professional, after all. You can also work on your own strengths and weaknesses and tailor your training to your individual needs. However, it's important to consider the player's own perspective - it's extremely difficult to know what you need and how to train it effectively. Mistakes are also difficult to notice. The best thing to do is to follow an individual training plan (such as our #LevelUpYourGame training plan ) or supplement your own training with targeted sessions with a personal trainer.

Football personal training symbol image

Benefits of Personal Training

Football is a team sport, and the question rightly arises as to what the point of individual training could be.

If you look at the best professional players, they all have something in common: exceptional, individual football skills that allow them to make the difference in their team. Of course, you win and lose as a team, but it is your personal skills, not those of your team, that will get you the attention of scouts and get your career off the ground. So that means you have to stand out from a large collective of players and make a positive impression.

To achieve this, it is usually not enough to train in exactly the same way as your teammates. You have to develop the necessary, exceptional skills on your own. This can be done even at a young age. In one of my recent training sessions, a professional player told me that his independent training was probably one of the most important factors in him becoming a professional (clubs he played for included: Juventus Turin, FC Empoli, FC Zurich, etc.). He did these additional units all by himself, but was convinced that he would have trained much more effectively and efficiently with us as his personal trainers at the time, and that he therefore recommends that every junior take part in personal training or individual development training.

With personal training, you can make up for technical, athletic and position-specific deficits and backlogs as quickly as possible and specifically develop your strengths. A trainer only pays attention to you, which would be impossible in a team training environment. This means that mistakes are immediately identified and corrected. In addition, you will never have as many ball contacts in a short space of time as in personal training. In team training, for example, you might get to shoot 4-5 times in 10 minutes, but in personal training it will be x times that.

An excerpt from an interview with Stephan Lichtsteiner (Tagesanzeiger, 21.09.2020):

What advice would you give to a young footballer?

"That he is willing to invest. For me, that includes, for example, hiring a personal trainer. Or that he includes expenses for his own physiotherapist in his annual budget."

Isn’t his club offering him all of this?

"That's the case in a top club, but not on the way there. A young player has to do more than just manage the workload that the club sets for him."

Jan and Nic private trainers or personal trainers at 360Football

choice of personal trainer

In order for the additional training to be worthwhile for you, you need a competent personal trainer with experience who can motivate you again and again. He must be able to tailor the training program and its exercises to you individually and in terms of intensity. In addition, personal training is a matter of trust. The personality of your trainer should suit you, because only if you have a very good relationship with your personal trainer and feel comfortable will you be able to perform to your full potential and develop as quickly as possible.

360Football has been around for more than 3 years, during which we have provided individual support to over 250 players from clubs such as FCZ, GCZ, FC Basel, BSC YB, FC Aarau, FC St. Gallen and countless other clubs. We are now also known through our social media community with more than 400,000 followers. We can also provide mental and nutritional support to players who regularly attend 360Football training.

Our locations are in Aargau, Solothurn, Zurich, Bern and central Switzerland. This means we can cover practically all of German-speaking Switzerland.

Is personal training also suitable for children?

Our experience shows that, in the right context, the answer is clearly YES. Talents can be promoted at an early stage. But what is the right context?

It is primarily important that the motivation clearly comes from the footballer, i.e. the child. Otherwise, you can see it immediately on the pitch and in training. In addition, you should also pay attention to the strain on children. If personal training is added to regular team training, there is not much room for regular, physically demanding activities without affecting regeneration.

If these two points are taken into account, we can unreservedly recommend personal football training for children (from about 8 years of age).


Valdrin Dalipi (FC Dietikon, previously Cadiz CF 🇪🇸 & FC Zurich)

"Thanks to Jan and Nic from 360Football, I was able to realize my dream and move to Cadiz CF (Spain)."

Max Morgan (Team Zugerland & FC Luzern)

"360Football has very good and friendly trainers, the training sessions have helped me a lot with ball control, ball reception and endurance. The training sessions are also always a lot of fun and I always get valuable tips."

Ardi Morina (FC Zurich)

"I find the training to be very intensive and I have been able to improve significantly in terms of speed and transition play."

Moses Colelli (FC Rapperswil-Jona)

"With the training from 360Football I was able to reach the next level technically."

Do you feel addressed by the above points and would you like to have a personal football training session (individual training) or small group training session at 360Football? Then register without obligation.

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