Become a machine

athletic training for footballers

Achieve your physical goals in football

with targeted athletic training

Optimize your speed, endurance and strength

Ein Fussballer im 360Football Athletiktraining für Fussballer

400,000+ followers

600+ players looked after

Founded in 2017

360 athletic training for footballers

A few informations

Athletic training is crucial to taking you to the next level as a soccer player. Speed, strength, endurance and agility are attributes that make the difference on the pitch and have become an integral part of modern football. But that's not all - good athletic training also helps prevent injuries.

  • Registration: You register using the form below.
  • Contact: We will get in touch with you and discuss what type of athletic training makes sense for you personally.
  • Types of athletic training: We either integrate athletic training into individual football training or refer you to our partners if you only need athletic training and no additional training on the ball (position-specific, technique, ...).

No matter whether you prefer to train with our football personal trainers, who perfectly integrate athletic training into our 360 training, or whether you choose our selected partners who are fully specialized in athletic training for footballers - we have the solution you. After a personal phone call, together we will find the best way to take your game to the next level.

  • Zurich
  • Aarau
  • Basel
  • Bern
  • Schwyz/Glarus
  • Sargans/Mels
  • more on request

Non-binding registration for an initial consultation (100% free)

For a free initial consultation, use the form below.

Voices about training

Gent Shala vom FC Luzern bei einem Spiel gegen den BSC YB
Gent Shala, FC Luzern

The training at 360Football helped me to further develop my strengths for my position and to implement them in the game.

Samuel Krasniqi bei einem Fotoshooting für 360Football Privattraining Testimonial
Samuel Krasniqi, FC Aarau

The training helped me a lot. This recently got me a professional contract with FC Aarau.

Ardi Morina im FC Schaffhausen Shirt in einem Fussballspiel
Ardi Morina, FC Schaffhausen

I find the training to be very intensive and I have been able to improve a lot in my speed and transition game.

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