Ein Fussballer springt hoch

Ankle mobility - preventing injuries

Ankle mobility

In our last article we covered the important topic of hip stability. As you already know, adequate hip stability is very important for a footballer in many ways. The hip joint, with its associated muscles, can have both positive and negative effects on the areas of the body above and below (lumbar spine, knee, ankle).

In today's article we want to cover an equally important joint - the ankle joint.

Functional disorders in the form of restricted movement and stability deficits in this joint can lead to a variety of problems in the area of ​​the ankle joint itself but also in neighboring areas of the body. Restrictions on movement and stability deficits in the ankle area can lead to chronic incorrect loading of the knee joint, which can further lead to knee joint problems and an increased risk of traumatic knee joint injuries (cruciate ligament tear, meniscus tear).

For this reason, your ankle should function optimally!

In today's article we will show you two functional tests that you can use to test your ankle mobility. In this context, we try to measure the range of motion of your ankle joint flexion (dorsal extension) and ankle joint extension (plantar flexion). Both directions of movement are fundamentally important for optimal ankle function!

In the first step we start with ankle flexion.


  1. Mobility ankle flexion
  • Test objective: Check mobility ankle flexion


  • Test preparation
  • Place a strip of adhesive on the floor 10cm from the wall


  • ASTE
  • Place the tip of your foot on the mark


  • execution
  • Bring your knee joint towards the wall
  • Keep your foot and knee straight


  • Possible evasive moves:
  • A lift of your heel
  • A change in your foot position
  • An inward softening of your knee joint


  • Test result

A player flexes his ankle

Starting position  

A footballer stands against the wall and stretches

Final position

  • If the test result is optimal, you will be able to move both knee joints up to the wall without joking and without any evasive movements


Are you able to carry out the test painlessly and without making any evasive movements? If not, you should definitely work on your ankle flexion!

In the next step we will show you a simple functional test for ankle extension.


Mobility ankle extension

  • Test objective: Check mobility ankle extension


  • ASTE
  • You are in the heel seat
  • Align both toes straight
  • Grip your ankle at the level of your heel bone
  • Your thumb is in the middle of your ankle
  • Your fingers grasp your ankle from the front


  • execution
  • Execute a pushing movement towards the floor
  • Keep your foot, including the heel bone, upright and straight


  • Possible evasive moves:
  • Your foot moves inwards
  • A bend in your heel bone


  • Test result

A soccer player does an ankle extension exercise

Starting position

A soccer player does an ankle extension exercise

Final position

  • If the test result is optimal, you will be able to move both feet down without joking or making any evasive movements until you touch the ground with your fingers


Are you able to carry out the test painlessly and without making any evasive movements? If not, you should definitely work on your ankle extension!

Author: Nico Imhof, physiotherapist

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