Schnelligkeitstraining Fussball

Top 5 Speed ​​​​Drills for Footballers: Become Faster on the Pitch

Speed ​​is a crucial factor in football. Whether it's long sprints or quick changes of direction - your speed can make the difference between victory and defeat. With targeted speed exercises you can significantly improve your explosiveness, agility and reaction speed. In this article we show you the top 5 speed exercises that will put you one step ahead of your opponents.

Why is speed training so important?

Football is not just about pure speed, but about how fast you:

  • you can change direction,
  • you can brake abruptly,
  • and then accelerate explosively again.

With targeted training, you can activate your fast muscle fibers and utilize your full movement potential. This way, you'll always be one step ahead in crucial game situations.

Train efficiently

Our recommendation:

  • Choose three exercises per workout.
  • Perform the exercises with full concentration and maximum intensity.
  • 8-12 repetitions per exercise are enough to make progress.

1. Exercises with the ladder

(As of today, we recommend the running ladder purely for coordination rather than speed - 04.07.2024 Team 360Football)

The running ladder is an effective tool to improve your coordination and stride frequency . Combine running ladder exercises with a short sprint afterwards to increase your explosiveness.

👉 Tip: Perform 8-12 reps followed by a 100% sprint.

2. Sprints with changes of direction

Quick changes of direction are a must in football. They improve your agility and help you react better to game situations. With a few cones you can easily set up practice courses that simulate changes of direction and short sprints.

👉 Recommendation: Complete 8-12 intense sprints with abrupt changes of direction.

3. Stop-and-Go exercises

The stop-and-go principle is one of the most common movements in football. You have to be able to brake abruptly and then accelerate again immediately. Regular stop-and-go exercises strengthen your explosive power and improve your reaction time.

👉 How to do it: Start, stop abruptly, and accelerate explosively again – 8-12 repetitions.

4. Explosiveness training

Explosive starts give you the edge on the pitch. Start on your knees, jump up without support, and start a short sprint straight away. This exercise activates your fast muscle fibers and increases your reaction time.

👉 Tip: Perform 8-12 repetitions at maximum intensity.

5. Bonus: Sprints with resistance

Resistance sprints are ideal for challenging your muscles and explosive power even more. Use pull bands, weight vests or resistance sleds to perform short, intense sprints.

👉 Recommendation: Choose slightly longer distances to maximize the effect. In the video, the distance is too short. If possible, sprint slightly longer distances with resistance; there are more suitable tools for this than the one shown.

Video: Speed ​​training in detail

We have put together all of the above exercises in a video that shows you the correct execution step by step. Whether you train alone or with your team - you are guaranteed to get faster with these exercises.

More tips for footballers

For optimal progress, you should supplement your training with the right nutrition and regeneration. On 360football .ch you will find further valuable tips and training programs that will help you progress as a player.

Support your training with high-quality supplements. Visit 360Football Supplements to discover special products for footballers that will help you get faster and fitter.

#LevelUpYourGame 🚀

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