Fussballtrainer macht Krafttraining

Strength training and football - do they go together?

Of course, everyone is allowed to form their own opinion on this topic. Other opinions can also be discussed with me, and I would be very happy to exchange experiences.

In my opinion, it's not just appropriate, once you've achieved a certain level of success, it's a must! It's important to know that you should start as early as possible to learn the necessary technique. Strength training is just as much a part of training as normal football training. Not just during breaks, but regularly 2-3 times a week.


With strength training you too can improve your performance!

With proper and targeted strength training, everyone can improve their performance!

You too!

Not every training plan makes equal sense. In order to transfer the horsepower from the gym to the pitch, you need to do special exercises. Then you can use the muscles you have built up properly on the pitch.


In football, strength comes before mass!

The perfect strength training for you builds strength and muscle mass equally and gives you more explosiveness and speed at the same time you are more robust and dynamic.

It is important that you always adapt your training plans to the situation. There is no point in building up a lot of muscle during preparation. The only thing that matters here is maintenance, and you shouldn't want too much during the season either. The perfect times are during breaks, when you can concentrate fully on strength training. This will enable you to make big leaps in a short space of time.


Basic exercises instead of isolation exercises!

In my opinion, a training plan for male and female footballers should consist of many basic exercises that train as many muscle groups as possible. Such complex compound exercises help the body as a whole to become stronger.


Are Ronaldo or Lewandowski your role models?! Then take the next step now!

I hope you don't misunderstand me, I'm not talking about building muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime as a bodybuilder, that wouldn't be an option as a footballer. The basic patterns of every footballer are sprinting, tackling strength, shooting power and jumping power. To optimize these values ​​you need strong muscles - another advantage of having strong muscles. If your muscles are strong and balanced, they support your joints and are the best way to prevent injuries.


Technique, tactics and endurance training are practiced week after week on the field. There is often no time left for strength training. Unfortunately...


I hope this article helped you.

If you have any questions, I am happy to help you at any time. I am also happy to help you with my various programs.

If I have piqued your interest but you have no experience in strength training, please feel free to contact me.

I am happy to take time for your goals and wishes, together we will reach YOUR next fitness level!


Your athletic trainer from Upper Palatinate

Michael Hartlich

Weiherstrasse 7a

92507 Nabburg



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Thank you Michael for the interesting guest blog post!

For football personal training in Switzerland , contact 360Football.

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